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Hi, welcome to Frugal and Thriving. I’m so glad you’ve stopped by to check things out.
My name is Melissa and I’ve been writing about frugal living on this blog since 2008.
Below I’ve shared what frugality really means as well as some of the best articles on the website to get started on your journey with Frugal and Thriving.
What Does Frugality Mean?
In a nutshell, frugality is the WISE use of resources.
What resources?
Money, of course. But also our possessions, our time, our skills as well as our collective resources and our natural environment.
It is NOT the same as being cheap or a tightwad. Being cheap is a short-term survival strategy when money is super-tight with the aim to move towards the more sustainable frugal habits that emphasise long-term value over short-term cheapness.
It is NOT the same as being stingy. Being a miser is the same as hoarding, which is the opposite of being wise with resources.
Frugality is a life-long philosophy with three main pillars:
- Frugality is INTENTIONAL, rather than reactionary.
- Frugality emphasises VALUE over price.
- Frugality prioritises long-term SUSTAINABILITY over short-term gains.
Financial sustainability balances the spending needs of today with saving for future needs. Frugality promotes long-term financial security by adopting spending habits and behaviours that can be sustained over time.
Do you want to learn easy ways to budget your money:
- How to create a super-simple budget that actually works.
- When to track your expenses and when not to.
- The one thing you need to do to stick to your budget.
Do you want to learn how to start living frugally:
- How to live more frugally – getting started.
- Six ways to be more thrifty.
- 13 ways to save money today.
- 10 skills you need to save money.
Do you want to learn how to save money on the groceries:
- Meal planning: the basics.
- Build a stockpile of food (cheaply and responsibly – no hoarding or panic buying necessary)
- Meal prepping guide to save time and money.
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Do you want to buy the eBook?

For more ways to save money on the groceries, check out the eBook Plan Cook Save: How to Eat Well When Money is Tight and Time is Short.
*Learn how to set the right grocery budget for your circumstances.
*Find out the easiest and quickest way to reduce the grocery bill.
*Discover a meal planning strategy that will only take you a couple of minutes a week but will save you hours.
*Download free templates to help you stay organised.