simple living

jug of water with lemon and mint

Replenish with this Homemade Electrolyte Drink

Stay hydrated with a homemade electrolyte drink. Great for hot, humid summer days when you need a little bit extra to replenish. Drinking water is essential for good health…it’s essential to stay alive! And yet, sometimes water alone isn’t enough. Maybe you’re sick, or you’ve been turned inside out by a gastro bug. Maybe you…

vase of pussy willow with mug on pile of books, minimalist white tableau

Embrace Voluntary Simplicity for a Frugal and Happy Life

Embrace simple living with these 10 practical tips for voluntary simplicity as well as the most important thing to do before simplifying. The other weekend, instead of spending the day scrambling to catch up on cooking, cleaning, and all the other things that never seem to get done, I took a walk to the local…

10 tasty ways to eat raw garlic every day

Eating raw garlic every day is medicinal, but what’s the best way to eat that clove? Here are ten tasty ways to eat raw garlic without resorting to swallowing a clove with your nose pinched.