grocery savings

is making your own bread cheaper than buying it?

is making your own bread cheaper than buying it?

How many times have you heard it? Make your own bread and save money. I’m pretty sure I’ve written it myself. But is making your own bread cheaper? Well, I’ve done some baking and some measuring and some calculating and I now have the conclusive, final answer to the question is making your own bread…

Meal Planning and Meal Prep for Health and Weight Loss Success

Meal Planning and Meal Prep for Health and Weight Loss Success

Meal planning has a whole bunch of benefits but today we’re focusing on healthy eating and specifically, weight loss. Planning and preparation are key for success in anything – eating healthy is no different. We all fall into eating habits. And if you’re busy, those eating habits might naturally include convenience foods that aren’t all…

One Cake Batter Recipe – Over 40 Variations

One Cake Batter Recipe – Over 40 Variations

One cake recipe – infinite variations. With just a few pantry staples, you can whip up a cake in no time and add whatever extra ingredients you have around the house to make this week’s cake totally different from last weeks.