Free Printable Father’s Day Coupons – The Perfect Gift for Dad

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Free budget-friendly printable Father’s Day coupons. Download, customise, and give Dad a gift he will love. Includes blank coupons.

printable father's day coupons spread out on a table

Gift coupons are a fantastic and frugal way for the kids to show Dad their appreciation for all the hard work and love he gives them. 

Frugal to make but heartfelt and useful (who doesn’t want to have help with chores without argument when asked?!), these printable gift coupons promise a variety of services and acts of kindness that Dad will love.

I’ve created a set of free printable Father’s Day gift coupons that you can download. The set includes both pre-filled coupon ideas and blank ones that you can tailor with all the things that are perfect for your Dad.

These DIY coupons cost only a few dollars to print out (we don’t have a colour printer – it cost me $3.88 to get a set printed on cardstock at Officeworks), so they are pretty inexpensive, especially compared to premade versions, which start at $10. By choosing a thoughtful homemade option, you’re not just saving money -you’re giving Dad the priceless gift of time with you (and help with chores!).

Creating and using these coupons isn’t just about giving gifts but strengthening family bonds. Each redeemed coupon is an opportunity for quality time and showing appreciation.

Guide to the Free Father’s Day Coupons

Here are just some of the gift ideas on the pre-filled coupons:

  • Breakfast in bed
  • One free car wash
  • An uninterrupted nap
  • A family game of choice
  • Movie night pick
  • Favourite dessert
  • One bike ride together
  • Free yard work
  • Free household chore
  • Favourite dinner cooked
  • One free hug
  • One day fishing
  • One free gaming session
  • Homemade pizza night
  • A family hike
  • A day off from doing chores
  • No arguing all-day
  • Taking out the garbage
  • Help with the laundry

And more!

Blank Coupons

blank father's day coupons

To truly personalise your coupon book, you can write things your dad will appreciate on the blank coupons. 

Does Dad have a favourite meal he hasn’t enjoyed in a while, or does he need help in the garden or clearing out the shed?

Maybe he’s been suggesting a bike ride or a catch-up coffee with an older teen. The blank coupons are your chance to show Dad you’ve been listening and give him what he truly wants.

Encourage siblings and other family members to participate, making it a collective effort to come up with ideas.

How to Download, Print, and Use the Coupons

Downloading and using these coupons is easy! Simply click the download link below and save the PDF file to your device.

mockup of digital coupons on tablet


These coupons are best printed on cardstock with a colour printer.

The page is set to A4 size—for US readers only; you may need to adjust your printer settings to A4 or scale the page slightly by selecting ‘fit to printer margins’ or similar when printing.

If you don’t have a printer, consider printing online at Officeworks. Uploading the files to their system is straightforward, and it cost me $3.88 to print three colour pages on 250gsm cardstock, making it a very frugal gift. It took about an hour before I was notified my printing was ready for pickup.

When I created the Mother’s Day coupons, I experimented with the different weights of paper, and while there’s not much difference, the 250 is a good balance between being not too thin and not too expensive.

Once printed, simply cut along the lines and choose the ones you want to include in your booklet.

Presenting the Printable Father’s Day Coupons

father's day coupons with ring and hole punch

You can present the coupons tied in some string or ribbon or stapled into a coupon booklet.

I used a ring to bind the coupons into a book – you can pick up the rings from Big W or Officeworks or get similar ones on Amazon.

Other fun ideas include placing them in a handmade card, attaching each to a chocolate, or even hiding them around the house for a fun scavenger hunt if Dad is into that.

I’ve printed a bunch of these off as a very cheap gift for our primary school’s Father’s Day stall if you’re looking for ideas!

Looking for More Frugal Father’s Day Ideas?

What unique coupon ideas do you have? Share your creative and frugal suggestions in the comments below. Your idea might be just what another reader needs!

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